God, our most beloved Father lovingly created the world and conserves it. We have seen Jesus work, who offered himself to come down to earth, die cruelly crucified, and redeemed the world. We have seen that the Holy Spirit sanctifies all men. These three different persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one God.

The most important truth that Jesus taught us is that within only one God, there are three different persons.

Before going to Heaven, Jesus told his Apostles: “Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit”. (Mt 28:19)

After this explanation it can be understood the old catechistic formula which says: “God is the infinitely perfect being which is the Most Holy Trinity”. The Holy Trinity is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, three different persons and one God, no more.

When the soul is in a state of grace, it turns into a live temple of the Most Holy Trinity. “Those who love Me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and My Father and I will come to them and live with them”. (Jn 14:23)


Blessed be the Holy and Undivided Trinity, now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen. 


V. Open, Lord my lips. 

R. And my voice will deliver your praise.

 V. Lord, I commend my defense. 

R. Lord, make haste for my help. 

Glory be to the Father, Glory to the eternal Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. 


Act of Contrition

Most Beloved God, One and Triune, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in whom I believe, who hope, who love with all my heart, body and soul, senses and faculties, and for being you, my Father, My Lord and my God infinitely good and worthy to be loved above all things, I am sorry, Merciful Trinity, I am sorry, lovable Trinity, Blessed Trinity I regret with all my heart, for having offended you just for being who you are: I propose and I give word never more to offend you, and to die rather than sin; hoping in your infinite goodness and mercy that my sins will be forgiven and give me the grace to persevere in true love and cordial devotion of your always most lovable Trinity. Amen.



Your blazing sun departs;

And so, O united perennial light,

Infuses a constant love

To our tired souls.

At dawn we praise you,

And also at noon time,

Aspiring to enjoy,

In Heaven your sight.

To the Father, the Son, and to You

Spirit, who gives life,

Now and forever be given

Infinite praises. Amen.




Oh Eternal Father! Beginning and source of all goodness, not created, unborn, center of all happiness; I feel joyed of seeing you so superior to everything created, that my understanding gets lost in the ocean of your infinite perfections. Allow that united with your Angels, Archangels, and Thrones, we celebrate your immense power. O, Eternal Father! Outside of your possession, I do not see any other thing than sadness and torments. You are my only happiness, my treasure and my glory. Don’t allow that I never leave You, so I may be able to praise you always.

One Our Father, one Hail Mary, and nine times:

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of the armies, heaven and earth are full of the Majesty of Your Glory.

Respond each time:

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

At the end of the nine times, say:

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, deliver us from all evil, Lord.




Oh Divine Son! In everything same as the Father, ineffable truth, sure way, and very happy life of man; I glorify you for all your sovereign attributes, and I praise you for your infinite mercies. O My Jesus, I have been your disciple only by name! But now desiring to be in reality, allow me to join my voice to those of the Dominions, Principalities, and Powers, and I exalt with them your infinite wisdom. Oh eternal Truth, outside of which I don’t see any other thing than deceptions and lies! Ah! When will be the time in which You will speak to me clearly in the center of your glory?

One Our Father, one Hail Mary, and nine times:

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of the armies, heaven and earth are full of the Majesty of Your Glory.

Respond each time:

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

At the end of the nine times, say:

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, deliver us from all evil, Lord.




Oh Spirit of consolation!, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, uncreated love, spring of all graces, center of all sweetness and, nonetheless, loved so little. At least, I am happy by the lighted love with which you are loved by the Virtues, the Cherubim’s, and the Seraphim’s. Oh! Who could be able to love you with all the men of the world, like these spirits love you in Heaven! Oh love, Oh gift from the Most Holy, center of all sweetness and the happiness of God Himself! When will you pour your goodness like a torrent over my soul? When will that be? Oh, my God! When will it be?

One Our Father, one Hail Mary, and nine times:

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of the armies, heaven and earth are full of the Majesty of Your Glory.

Respond each time:

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

At the end of the nine times, say:

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, deliver us from all evil, Lord.



To You, God Father Unborn.To You, Holy Spirit Paraclete. Holy Trinity individual, with all our heart we confess you God Father, God Son, God Holy Spirit., One God for ever and ever.

V./ Let’s us adore the Father in the



Amiable Lord God Triune continually give us your grace, your love and communication from You for time and eternity in love and glorify you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, a deity, by infinite ages of ages. Amen. 





God One and Triune to whom

Archangels, Cherubim’s,

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


Enjoy, amiable Deity,

In your incomprehensible essence

And because of your clemency

Forgives our evilness,

I sing mystical and sweet:

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


Unending kindness,

Supremely sovereign essence,

From where good derives,

Most Holy Trinity:

For your divine piety

Puts an end to our tears:

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


The Trisagion that Isaiah

Wrote with great zeal

He heard it sung in Heaven

By angelical hierarchies:

So that in their melodies

Our voice repeat:

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


It’s the Iris that shines

Herald of the bonanza.

Is anchor of Hope

In the ending Storm;

It is the Compass that orients

When the night lays down her mantle.

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


Oh, unspeakable Trinity!

Supreme being, eternal, not created,

Communicated to man

By the excess of goodness:

And because in eternity

This pleases you so,

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


This sacred Trisagion,

Voice of the celestial choir,

Against the infernal power

The Church has celebrated it:

With this praise exalted:

That in faith and love I offer,

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


Most Holy Trinity,

A Sovereign Essence

From which torrents flow

Of Divine Charity,

Of Your Immense Majesty,

Before the Most Sacred Throne,

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


Enjoy, then, your pure light,

With being so enlightened,

It is not understood completely

By some creature:

That’s why when seeing your Beauty,

With sacred horror and terror,

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


Of the sudden death,

Of the ray of lightning,

This Trisagion will free you, and seals

Whoever prays it and warns,

That because of his happy luck

In this sea of losses,

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


From the fratricide war,

Which bloodies our soil,

The Trisagion, gift from Heaven,

Preseves us with its reception;

And in sweet blessed peace,

Our song rise up to God.

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


I trust, True God.

You fulfill what You said

In the promise You made

Of forgiving my evilness,

For this sweet kindness,

With which you console me so.

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


It is the Iris that in the sea,

On earth and in the fire,

In the air displays later

That wants to liberate us:

For such a singular favor

Of this marvel and enchantment,

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


Oh mysterious Deity!

Of One Essence and Three Persons,

For you piously forgive

Our misery and wickedness,

Listen with benignity

This passionate song.

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


It is a sovereign shield,

Of the divine Justice,

And of the infernal malice

The Christian triumphs devoutedly:

And makes the tyrant dragon

Flee with terror and fearfulness,

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


In your kindness I rely,

Lord, mighty and immortal God,

That in the celestial choir

I will sign this hymn with joy;

For in the risks of the world

You cover me with your mantle,

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


I love the goodness of the Father,

I love the goodness of the Son,

And the Holy Spirit who said,

No one arrives late to my love;

My coward soul,

In the meanwhile, Love your God,

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.


God one and Triune to whom

Angels and Seraphim’s

Say: Holy, Holy, Holy.




Blessed be the Holy and Individual Trinity, which creates and governs all things, now and forever and ever. Amen. Let us Bless the Father, and the Son with the Holy Spirit.

R/ Let us praise and exalt them for ever and ever.



Almighty and everlasting God, who hast vouchsafed unto thy servants reveal the glory of your eternal Trinity, and to worship the unity of your august majesty in the confession of faith that we pray rendered by the same confession of the same faith, we see always free from adversity and danger. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.




My God! Trinity whom I adore,

The Church submerges us in Your Mystery.

We confess you and we bless you,

Lord, Our Master!


Like a river in the ocean of Your Greatness

Time flows into today’s eternal,

The little adheres to the Infinite,

Lord, Our Master!


O, Word of the Father! We listen to you.

O, Father! Look at the Face of your Verb.

O, Spirit of Love! Come to us.

Lord, Our Master!


My God! Trinity Whom I adore,

Make Your Heaven in our souls,

Take us to the Home where You reside,

Lord, Our Master!


Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Spirit

Fountain of Full and True Joy,

The Creator of Heaven and of Earth,

Lord, Our Master!



To the Father we render Glory,

To the Son triumphant Victory,

And to the Spirit, the Honor,

Because the Lord One and Triune

Conserve for us the Divine Grace

Of Faith, Hope, and Love.





O, My God! Trinity which I adore, help me to forget myself completely as to be able to establish myself in You, immobile and calm, as if my soul already was in eternity. That nothing can disturb my peace or make me come out of You, Oh, Immutable! Let me submerge in each minute deeper into Your Mystery. Pacify My soul, make Your heaven in it, Your dwelling of love, and Your resting place. May she never leave You alone, but that it remains there with all my being, completely awake in the Faith, all adoring, and completely all-in to Your Creator Action.


O, My Beloved, Crucified for love, Christ! I desire to be completely Yours; be one with Your Holy Heart. I would like to cover you with Glory; I would like to love you until I die of love, but as I feel my inability, I beg you to dress me with You, that you identify my soul with all the movements of Your Soul, that you overwhelm me, that you possess me, that you substitute me for You, so my life won’t be but an irradiation of Your Life. Come to me as Adorer of the Father, as Restorer and as Savior.


O, Eternal Verb, Word of My God! I want to spend my life listening to you. I want to turn completely docile, to learn everything from You, and to live in Your Immense Light. O, my dear star! Fascinate me so I cannot come out of Your Splendor.


O, Consuming Fire, Spirit of Love! Descend over me so in my soul a new incarnation of the Verb will happen: May I be for Him an extension of His Most Holy Humanity, in which He will renew all His Mysteries. And You, O, Father!, incline lovingly over this poor creature of Yours, cover me with Your Shadow, don’t see in it but Your Favorite Son, in whom You have Your Complacence.

O, my Three, my All, My Blessedness, Infinite Solitude, Immensity where I get lost! I Consecrate myself to You as a prisoner. Submerge Yourself in me, so I may submerge myself in You, until I go to contemplate in Your Light, the Abysm of Your Greatness. Amen.





Divine Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Present and Operating in the Church, and in the deepest of my being: I adore You, I give you thanks, and I Love you through Mary, My Most Holy Mother. I offer and give myself totally to You, for all my life, and for eternity. To You, Father of Heaven, I offer and deliver myself as your son (daughter). To You, Jesus, my Savior, I offer and give myself as a brother (sister) and Your disciple. To You, Holy Spirit, I offer and give myself as live temple, to be blessed and sanctified.


Mary, Mother of the Church and my Mother: You who are in the intimacy with the Most Holy Trinity, teach me to live through the Liturgy, the Devotions, the Sacraments, in Communion each time more intimate with the Three Divine Persons, so my whole life will be an adoration of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.




Most beloved Father, One and Triune, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, in which I believe, in which I wait, who I love with all my heart, I humbly ask You for protection and help, that all my enemies stay behind. Peace Christ! Peace Christ!


That the enemy that comes against me, be defeated of the act; that I may have eyes but not be seen, that I may have ears but not be heard, that I may have hands and not be touched, that with only naming the Most Holy Trinity, all my enemies be defeated.


In the name of the Father +, the Son +, and the Holy Spirit +, with the mantle of the Most Holy Trinity be my body covered with its mantle, with the scapular of the Virgin of Carmel be covered so as not to be seen, or heard, or caught, or defeated by evil. May the Most Holy Trinity be with me, the Father guard me +, the Son guide me +, and the Holy Spirit illuminate me + and accompany me wherever I go, and the Most Holy Trinity be present at all moments and deliver me always of all evil and danger.


Holy Cross, Worthy Cross, Divine Cross, for the Lord who died in you, no evil things come to me, in the name of the Father +, the Son +, and the Holy Spirit +, in name of the Most Holy Trinity, so that at this hour and moment our Eternal Father +, Son +, and Holy Spirit + illuminates my mind so all my things be perfect and the peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ reign in my home, in my work, and wherever I go. In the name of the Father +, the Son +, and the Holy Spirit +. Amen.


*Must be prayed each day. Please make the Sign of the Cross, when you see “+”.                                 




May the love of the Most Holy Trinity cover you, protect you of all visible and invisible, and all the souls, and everything created, against all that which Satan has affected and has taken towards evil. Amen.






We beg you, O Lord, by the state of the Holy Church and prelates in it, for the intentions of the Holy Pope, for the exaltation of the Catholic faith, to eradicate the heresies, peace and harmony among all Christians, conversion of all the unfaithful, heretics, and sinners: for those agonizing and homeless, for the holy souls of Purgatory, for an increase in the devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and other pious people faithful of our Holy Mother Church. Amen.



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