Listen creature. When you have established an Intimate Relationship with Heaven, you are practically assured, why do I say it, Little One? Because you are very insecure and believe that Heaven is as temperamental as men are: that we let you reach even the most intimate rooms to later throw you out from the entrance of the house. And no, it's not like this: once a creature has entered and has penetrated it. Heaven has been very cautious in allowing the creature pass. Can you understand it?


In Heaven what you find is compromise, fidelity and firmness. It's not a place of change of opinion or of saying "Oh, We better not". You can't imagine the seriousness of the affairs of Heaven.


Therefore, My Little Ones, don't be frightened or be alarmed as young children who believe that if we don't respond to you at the first call, it is because we don't love you anymore. Remember that the Father sometimes likes to hide to see how the children are behaving. He does it with you in the same way. Can you understand it?




But you keep on going: with inspiration or without it; with yearning, energy and desire or without it, because, precisely, this is your guarantee of permanence. Meaning, My Little Ones, if you go to the Holy Eucharist and are accustomed of going to confession, and if you do the Way of the Cross on Friday's, if you Accompany Me in My Hours of Gethsemane, if you pray the Holy Rosary each day, if you do your morning and evening prayers, and if you remember Me at 3:00 P.M., at the Hour of My Divine Mercy.


If you do this, you don't have to worry because if well the world is like the tide in the ocean that pulls you far away, even in an imperceptible way, and when you turn, if you were not swimming against the current -that it is with all these moments that you are united to Heaven-, if you are not doing it, when you turn to look for the shore where you were headed, you will see that you are very far away from you were going; but if you are in UNION with Us, it's like doing strokes against the world and keep on swimming towards Us. Can you understand it?


The importance of continuing towards Heaven, always in these moments of being guarded and of prayer and you see how it's impossible to reach a good end, even if you feel good, but without being in constant and profound prayer with Heaven.


You yourself feel how sometimes you have gone away, but continue with your daily prayers and suddenly, you are back in the intimacy you had.


This is of an unimaginable importance.


Don't let that the tide of the world pull you offshore where you are going distracted and when you turn around to look for support, you won't see land through anywhere. So, My Little Ones, maintain yourselves always alert and near.


Swim towards Heaven often because the tide of the world is pulling you far away from God.








My Creature




Listen: Parents like to go away and see how the children are in the house without their presence and without their constant surveillance. That's where they can see and prove if what has been impressed, what has been taught to them and what they must do and not do, they have it inside their heart.


Sometimes you feel that and it's not for another reason. Obedient children keep on doing what they do daily -feeling or not feeling the heavenly presence in their souls-. That is what was explained to you, but I Wanted, Little One, that you had it very clear.


It's when they say "God hides", but I don't hide but move away to see what My Children, My Creatures, are doing when they believe they are not being seen.


This is to make sure where your strengths are and where your weaknesses are.


How easy it is for those who are not with the required persistence to move away! but if you follow what you already know you must do, you will always come back.


Do you see it, do you understand it, is it clear?




June 28

2013 Year of the Lord


Y María del Getsemaní





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