The suffering souls in
Who are being purified in excessive heat,
And are tormented by severe punishment,
Assist them, in your compassion, O Mary!
You are the open-wide fount who wash away the faults of men.
All you help, rejecting none:
Extend your hand to the Dead,
Who in pain languish continually, O Mary!
To you the souls of the Dead lovingly sigh,
Desiring to be rescued from pain
And to stand in your sight,
To possess eternal joys, O Mary!
As they groan, hasten, Mother;
In mercy, show them your heart.
May Jesus through His wounds
Be pleased to heal them: ask this, O Mary!
You are true hope to them that call upon you.
The Holy Souls Sodality cry to you for their brethren.
Appease your Son, that in Heaven
He may give them their reward, O Mary!
Grant that the tears we shed at the feet of the Judge,
And which you regard with kindness,
May soon extinguish the avenging flames,
That the Holy Souls may join the choirs of Angels, O Mary!
And when the strict accounting takes place
In the terrible and awesome Judgment of God,
As He judges us, supplicate your Son,
That with the Saints may be our portion, O Mary!
Contribution by: Sisters of
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