Before starting with the prayer, we advise you to meditate on this text dictated in Spanish by Jesus regarding the subject of the blessed souls of Purgatory. Then you can come back to this page to pray or copy the prayer. (Link)

The Sorrowful Mysteries are prayed.

Before each ten beads, we pray what corresponds to each mystery in particular, and instead of ending each one of them with the Glory Be, we say:

Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen. Then according to the mystery number 1, 2, etc. will be prayed which corresponds (see below).
(Remember, that you will always pray the Our Father and the usual Hail Mary's.)

1) Lord Jesus Christ, through your sweat of blood, a product of pain, which You spilled in the Garden of Olives, we ask you to have pity of the Souls of Purgatory! Free them of their fear, their pain, and console them with the triumph of the heavenly consolation!

2) Lord Jesus Christ, for the sorrowful scourging that you suffered with patience for us sinners, we ask you to have pity of the Souls of Purgatory! Push away from them the pain of your anger and grant them eternal tranquility.

3) Lord Jesus Christ, for the painful coronation that You suffered with patience for us sinners, we ask you to have pity of the Souls of Purgatory and grant them the crown of eternal happiness!

4) Lord Jesus Christ, for the painful carrying of the cross which You suffered with so much patience for us sinners, we ask you to have pity of the Souls of Purgatory! Remove from them the heavy burden of suffering and take them to eternal peace!

5) Lord Jesus Christ, for the painful crucifixion which You suffered with patience for us sinners, we ask you to have pity of the Souls of Purgatory! Show them Your Holy Face and take them today with you to Paradise!

After the 5th tenth, we pray:

Lord Jesus Christ, for the five Blessed Sores and for all of the Most Precious Blood that You spilled, we ask you to have pity of the Souls of Purgatory, and specially of our parents, relatives, spiritual guides and benefactors! Heal their painful wounds and allow them to enjoy and participate totally of your salvation. Amen.



The booklet of the Purging Church, prepared by Jesus



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