The Rosary of Jesus is a memory of the 33 years of his life. In the
Republic of Bosnia, in Herzegovina, this rosary was prayed often, especially
during Lent. In 1983 during an apparition of the Virgin Mary to the
locutionary Jelena Vaslj, she was told how to pray this Rosary.
The Virgin Mary told the locutionary not to add or take away anything from the
mysteries of the Rosary. It must remain as explained by Our Lady. The following
is the complete text.
The method of praying The Rosary of Jesus:
The Creed:I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth;
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy
Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,
died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He arose again from
the dead. He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God, the Father
Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe
in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the
forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen.
1st Mystery
Let us contemplate (The Birth of Jesus)
We must speak about the birth of Jesus
Intention: let uspray for peace
Spontaneous prayers: (slow, deep)
5 Our Fathers
Exclamation: (O Jesus, be strength and protection for us!)
2nd Mystery
Let us contemplate (Jesus helped and gave all to the poor)
Intention: Let us prayfor the Holy Father and for the Bishops
Spontaneous prayers
5 Our Fathers
Exclamation: (O Jesus, be strength and protection for us!)
3rd Mystery
Let us contemplate (Jesus trusted in His Father completely and carried out His
Intention: let us prayfor the priests and for all those who serve God in a
particular way
Spontaneous prayers
5 Our Fathers
Exclamation: (Jesus, be strength and protection for us!)
4th Mystery
Let us Contemplate (Jesus knew He had to give up His Life for us and he did so
without regrets because He loves us)
Intention: Let us prayfor families
Spontaneous prayers
5 Our Fathers
Exclamation: (O Jesus be strength and protection for us!)
5th Mystery
Let us Contemplate (Jesus made His Life into a sacrifice for us)
Intention: Let usprayso that we, too, may be capable of offering our life for
our neighbor
Spontaneous prayers
5 Our Fathers
Exclamation: (O Jesus be strength and protection for us!)
6th Mystery
Let us Contemplate (The victory of Jesus: He has overcome Satan. He is arisen)
Intention: Let uspraythat all sins may be eliminated so that Jesus may re-live
in our heart
Spontaneous prayers
5 Our Fathers
Exclamation: (O Jesus be strength and protection for us!)
7th Mystery
Let us Contemplate (The Ascension of Jesus to Heaven)
Intention: Let uspraythat the will of God may triumph, so that His will may be
Spontaneous prayers
3 Our Fathers
Exclamation: (O Jesus be strength and protection for us!)
*After this let us contemplate how (Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit)
Intention: Let us pray so that the Holy Spirit may descend upon us.
7 Glory Be’s to the Father, to the Son and the Holy Spirit
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