The Rosary of the 1000 Hail Mary’s can be prayed in a continuous manner or partially, but always in the same day. It would be good if two or more persons jointed to pray. This rosary is a gift to God and to Holy Mary. Let’s pray it as often as possible, once a week, once per month, every two months, in other words, as much as you can.


“From now on, walk! Walk! Talk! Take My Treasures, My Graces, My Messages from this place to all your country and to the whole world! Persevere in the Crusade of the Rosary, in the Prayer of the 1000 Hail Mary’s, because many nations will be saved by these prayers, including your nation, so iniquitous and dominated by sin and Satan.” Holy Mary, on August 8, 2010 – Jacarei, S.P., Brazil.


“Pray the Rosary! Build walls of Jericho! Pray the 1000 Hail Mary’s. Do the cenacles that the Mother of God asked you to do from house to house, praying the Hour of Peace and the Rosary Meditated by Her, because these prayers still can save many souls that have a possibility of salvation.” San Lorenzo, September 12, 2010 - Jacarei, S.P., Brazil


“My children pray, pray, pray. Keep on praying the 1000 Hail Mary’s frequently for it is by it of them that many nations will be saved, including yours. Peace to all.” San Jose, May 20, 2010 - Jacarei, S.P., Brazil.

“My dear children, I am very grateful for all these Hail Mary’s that you prayed to Me. I am very grateful for all the Hail Mary’s you have prayed to me here during this past year. This prayer of the 1000 Hail Mary’s is very pleasing to God and to Me, and you can’t imagine how much good it does to the world, to your souls, to all of humanity. This prayer makes the whole hell tremble! And it makes all the Heavenly Court of Paradise unite to your prayer, forming one plea of flaming love. With this prayer of the 1000 Hail Mary’s you do everything: meditate, mental prayer, oral prayer, pleas, thanks giving, intercession, and praise. The souls that pray this prayer with sincere love for Me, give Me what I desire and expect the most from them: Prayer, generosity, love, donation… These souls that serve Me, that love Me through the 1000 Hail Mary’s are like Seraphim’s of pure love, that console Me in My great sadness…, I would do anything for them!

To those that will pray to Me these 1000 Hail Mary’s, I give an Extraordinary Blessing… I Bless all of you generously, Peace be with you! Holy Mary, December 26, 2009 - Jacarei, S.P., Brazil




Pray one Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s for each Mystery. In between the Mysteries (at the end of each one), pray the following prayers:

1. Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and forever and ever, Amen.

2. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

3. O My Jesus forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of thy mercy, free us wars, free us from wickedness, from violence, and give us Peace!

4. Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace of Jacarei, pray for us. Beloved Heart of Saint Joseph of Jacarei, pray for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus of Jacarei, have pity on us.
Oh Jesus it is for your love, for the conversion of sinners, for the relief of the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Beloved Heart of Saint Joseph, and for the Souls in Purgatory, for the Peace of the world, for the intentions of the Sanctuary of the Apparitions of Jacarei, for all the Visionaries and places of Apparitions of the whole world, for all the Plans and for the Triumph of Your Sacred Hearts in Jacarei and in the whole world that we offer these prayers which we pray. Amen.



In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

O Holy Mary, I start now the praying of these Holy Mary’s, give me the grace to pray them with fervor, devotion, and pity from start to finish.; grant me the grace of concentrating perfectly in the meditation of the Mysteries of Your Life and also in Our Messages, and for Your great kindness make that they are healthy for my soul and that of this meditation and prayer, I can obtain holy resolutions of conversion for my life. Amen.

The Creed.

Meditation of the Mysteries.

In each Mystery a Message is meditated.



1st Mystery

For the Mystery of the Apparition of the Holy Angel Gabriel to Your Holy parents, Saint Ann and Saint Joachim announcing Your miraculous birth, Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “Pray, pray the Rosary every day, for love to Me and not because of obligation. I love you.” Our Lady of the Apparitions of Jacarei, February 1999.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the following four prayers:

1. Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and will be forever and ever, Amen.

2. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

3. O My Jesus forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of thy mercy, free us wars, free us from wickedness, from violence, and give us Peace!

4. Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace of Jacarei, pray for us. Beloved Heart of Saint Joseph of Jacarei, pray for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus of Jacarei, have pity on us.
Oh Jesus it is for your love, for the conversion of sinners, for the relief of the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Beloved Heart of Saint Joseph, and for the Souls in Purgatory, for the Peace of the world, for the intentions of the Sanctuary of the Apparitions of Jacarei, for all the Visionaries and places of Apparitions of the whole world, for all the Plans and for the Triumph of Your Sacred Hearts in Jacarei and in the whole world that we offer these prayers which we pray. Amen.


2nd Mystery

For the Mystery of Your Immaculate Conception, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “I am the Immaculate Virgin; I am the Immaculate Mother of God, conceived without blemish of the original sin. I come to ask that you pray the Holy Rosary often, pray it every day!”Holy Mary, Germany 1952.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.

3rd Mystery

For the Mystery of Your Holy Nativity, more beautiful than the moon, more brilliant than the sun, more beautiful than the flowers, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “I am the Mother of God, I come to ask you to pray the Holy Rosary, to do much penitence, to pray many Rosaries for the Conversion and Salvation of humanity, and tell everyone to do the same.” Holy Mary, Italy 1951.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.


4th Mystery

For Your Holy Infancy and For Your Consecration in the Temple when you were 3 years old, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “I am the Blessed Mother of God, I come to ask for Prayer, Sacrifice, and Penance. The world is running a great danger, Satan came out from the abysm with all his demons decided to take all of humanity to eternal damnation, please a lot the Holy Rosary, it is the only efficient defense against him, and tell everyone to pray the Rosary to defend themselves from Satan!” Holy Mary, Italy 1951.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.

5th Mystery

For your departure from the Temple to marry by Divine Order with the Very Chaste Saint Joseph to be able to prepare yourself for the Incarnation of the Verb, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “I am the Mother of God, don’t be afraid, I came from Heaven. I came to tell you that great chastisements will come ordered by God to punish the crimes of this world. Tell the people to pray many Rosaries and intense penitence. Holy Mary in Catania, Italy in 1954.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.

6th Mystery

For the Mystery of the Annunciation, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you!    “I am the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, return to the Lord who is your Salvation and your Peace!”Holy Mary inAluno, Italy 1951.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.

7th Mystery

For the Mystery of the Visitation, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you!  “Obey the Commandments of God, My children, live the true love with Our Lord, He deserves and must be loved by all of us; whoever does not obey them will not be saved!” Holy Mary, Italy 1954.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.

8th Mystery

For the Mystery of Our Lord’s Nativity, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you!“Pray and do penitence, live the true love, and detach yourselves from the things of the world, because I am telling you, My children, if you don’t detach yourselves of the things of the world, you will perish because of them!” Holy Mary in Ibidides, Spain 1954.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.


9th Mystery

For the Mystery of the Presentation, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “Pray many Rosaries and do penitence, the Holy One is very saddened and irate for the crimes and sins of this world do penitence to placate the Lord, pray for the Conversion of the sinners! Holy Mary in Tierriembar, France 1960.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.


10th Mystery

For the Mystery of Meeting with Your Divine Son, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “I come to ask for prayers, prayers of love, sincere prayers. Pray for the conversion of all humanity, because if you don’t, a great chastisement will unravel over the whole world. The Omnipotent Father is irate and decided to give a “enough of so much evil” in the Face of the Earth. Pray for the Conversion of the unbelievers! Holy Mary in Bande, Luxembourg in 1954.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.


11th Mystery

For the Mystery of the Agony in the Garden, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “Penitence, penitence, penitence. Convert without delay, very soon a great chastisement will come… penitence and prayer! Holy Mary in Esquimones, Lithuania in 1962.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.

12th Mystery

For the Mystery of the Scourging, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you!“Penitence and Conversion, repent! The Lord is saturated with the offenses, indifference, and ungratefulness from the human beings, of his children so benefitted by Him, come back to Our Lord and don’t make Him get any sadder! Holy Mary in Stornarella, Italy 1959.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.


13th Mystery

For the Mystery of the Crown of Thorns, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you!“Melanie, what I am going to tell you is not going to be a secret forever; you can publish it in 1958. The Priests Ministers of My Son, the priests for their bad lives, for their irreverence and for their impiety when celebrating the Holy Mysteries, for the love of money, for the love of honors and of pleasures, the priests are going to become sewers of impurities. Yes, the priests provoke vengeance and vengeance hangs over their heads. O of the priests and persons Consecrated to God that, by their unfaithfulness and bad lives, crucify My Son again. The sins of the persons Consecrated to God clamor to Heaven and attract the revenge, and from there it is that revenge is at their doors, because you cannot find anyone to implore for Mercy and Forgiveness for the people; there are no more generous souls, there is no one worthy of offering The Victim without blemish to the Eternal for the world. God is going to chastise in an unprecedented way, O poor people of the Earth. God is going to spend His anger and no one will be able to flee to so many evils together! Holy Mary in La Salette, France September 1846.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.


14th Mystery

For the Mystery of the Carrying of the Cross, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “Penitence, penitence, penitence for sinners, if My People does not submit itself to penitence I will see myself forced to let fall a great chastisement. The Ten Commandments are no longer observed; the Name of My Divine Son is dragged over the mud of the worst terrible blasphemy, of the envy, and defamation, and despise of the day of the Lord; this is the cause of great punishments in the families and in Poland, and those damned dancing halls are the network of Satan himself, poor young people! How many souls fall into hell as snow rain that almost closes the clarity of the day. The people are worse than in the time of the Deluge. The anger of God is spilled over the Nations and it won’t be long before it reaches Brazil if you don’t do penitence. I promise you if all the Catholics prayed the Rosary every day, the Angel of Peace wouldn’t take so long to descend over the Earth but, if you don’t do penitence, the times will be grave. Pray, pray My children, so the anger of God diminishes!” Holy Mary in Erechim, Rio Grande doSul, Brazil September 1951.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.


15th Mystery

For the Mystery of the Death of Our Lord, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “The world is getting worse each time; I don’t know what is needed so they will be saved. They are committing murders, sins, sacrileges; the world is invaded by sin. Make reparation because there is nothing else but perversity; there is no love, you don’t pay attention to my Messages, I am constantly warning you, but you close your ears. The chastisement is very near; I don’t know in which way the world is going to be purified and My Church. I am giving many opportunities and I am going to pull out from the rood all the bad weeks, and prepare a miraculous rebirth for the Triumph of My Mercy. Pay attention that God the Father is going to send two very big punishments. One will be in the form of a war, revolutions, and dangers, and another one by Heaven. An intense darkness will come over the Earth which will last three days and three nights, nothing will be visible. The air will turn pestilential and harmful and, will cause a lot of damage not exclusively to the enemies of the religion. During the three whole days of darkness, the artificial light will be impossible. The faithful must stay in their homes praying the Holy Rosary and asking for God’s Mercy. All My enemies, visible and unknown, will die in all the Earth during this universal darkness with the exception of some that will convert!” Our Lord Jesus Christ in El Escorial, Spain December 1981.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.


16th Mystery

For the Mystery of the Resurrection, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you!“My Daughter, soon tremendous days will be coming. The catastrophe will fall like a lightning flash over the Earth in a morning when then the clarity of the day will give space to the darkest night. My Divine Son will come over lightning and thunder. You will be as hallucinating when you find yourself in the darkest darkness. Many will die of fear and desperation. Those who fought for My souls will receive the Grace of My divine Son, but at His shout many will stay as dry wheat, that will burn in the open field; the wicked will be thrown and torn on earth, so the remaining can start anew when the light of day again illuminates the Earth. All must thank the Holy Trinity for the great protection received, but, My daughter the destruction will be enormous. Pray and atone, be jealous, live in mortification, win or lose, God or the adversary. The men run celebrating through the walkways of hell with all the worldly pleasures. O! Men without God are so few the ones that are preparing themselves for this unheard transformation that very soon you will have to endure. Prayer, prayer is the desire on My part!” Holy Mary in Erechim, R.S., Brazil 1957.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.


17th Mystery

For the Mystery of the Ascension, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you!“Penitence, penitence, penitence. The world will have to drink from the cup of Divine wrath until the end, penitence and prayer.” Holy Mary, Germany 1940.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.


18th Mystery

For the Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “Son, I give My Love to the soul rapidly, from the moment she invokes Me and sincerely desires Me, in exchange I expect from the souls a quick and full YES, without reserves and without delay. Many souls delay too much to give Me their YES because they are too attached to themselves and to their interests. True love does not delay because, simply, it cannot stand that, and it cannot do it. Son be My echo, be My reflection, Peace!” Divine Holy Spirit in the Apparitions in Jacarei, S.P., Brazil January 2007.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.


19th Mystery

For the Mystery of Your Assumption into Heaven, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “One day through the Rosary and the Scapular I will save the world!” Holy Lord in France, September 1942.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.



20th Mystery

For the Mystery of Your Coronation in Heaven as Queen of the Whole Universe, Holy Virgin of the Sacred Rosary blessed are you! “The Virgin is the breathing of the true Catholics, because as the body cannot live without breathing, the soul cannot live without recurring and entrusting itself to Maria, who is the sure way of conserving the life of Grace in ourselves. Oh, poor those that despise the Light from the Sun, which is, the Devotion to Mary. When that Light no longer shines in a soul, it will continue to be den of iniquity for all the sins and all the demons.” Saint Bernard.
Our Father and 50 Hail Mary’s, at the end: the Gloria and the four prayers as in indicated in the First Mystery.

Rosary ends praying the Hail Holy Queen.


Translation by Carmen Morell


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