Feast Day: December 12
O our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose, make intercession for Holy Church,
protect the Sovereign Pontiff, help all those who invoke thee in their
necessities, and since thou art the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the true God,
obtain for us from thy most holy Son the grace of keeping our faith, sweet hope
in the midst of the bitterness of life, burning charity and the precious gift of
final perseverance.
(500 days indulgence.)
Dearest Lady, fruitful Mother of Holiness, teach me Your ways of gentleness and
strength. Hear my prayer, offered with deep felt confidence to beg this favor...
(State your prayer request here.)
O Mary, conceived without sin, I come to your throne of grace to share the
fervent devotion of your faithful Mexican children who call to Thee under the
glorious title "Guadalupe" - the Virgin who crushed the serpent.
Queen of Martyrs, whose Immaculate Heart was pierced by seven swords of grief,
help me to walk valiantly amid the sharp thorns strewn across my path. Invoke
the Holy Spirit of Wisdom to fortify my will to frequent the Sacraments so that,
thus enlightened and strengthened, I may prefer God to all creatures and shun
every occasion of sin.
Help me, as a living branch of the Vine that is Jesus Christ, to exemplify His
divine charity always seeking the good of others. Queen of Apostles, aid me to
win souls for the Sacred Heart of my Savior. Keep my apostolate fearless,
dynamic, and articulate, to proclaim the loving solitude of Our Father in Heaven
so that the wayward may heed His pleading and obtain pardon, through the merits
of Your Merciful Son, Our LordJesus Christ.
O Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, grant to our homes the grace of
loving and respecting life in its beginnings, with the same love with which you
conceived in your womb the life of the Son of God. Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother
of Fair Love, protect our families so that they may always be united and bless
the upbringing of our children.
Our hope, look upon us with pity, teach is to go continually to Jesus, and if we
fall help us to rise again and return to Him through the confession of our
faults and our sins in the Sacrament of penance, which gives peace to the soul.
We beg you to grant us a great love of all the holy Sacraments, which are, as it
were, the signs that your Son left us on earth. Thus, Most Holy Mother, with the
peace of God in our consciences, with our hearts free from evil and hatred, we
will be able to bring to all others true joy and peace, which come to us from
your Son, our LordJesus Christ, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives
and reigns for ever and ever.
God of power and mercy, you blessed the Americas at Tepeyac with the presence of
the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. May her prayers help all men and women to accept
each other as brothers and sisters. Through your justice present in our hearts,
may your peace reign in the world. We ask this through our LordJesus Christ,
your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and ever. Amen.
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