O Holy Mary, conceived without sin.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us praise and give thanks to the most holy Trinity, who has given us to Mary, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.

I. Praised be the Eternal Father, who chose the Virgin Mary as his Daughter.
R. Amen. (Our Father)


II. Praised be the Eternal Father, who predestined the Virgin Maryas Mother of His Divine Son.

R. Amen. (Hail Mary)


III. Praised be the Eternal Father, who preserved the Virgin Mary free of all blame in her Immaculate Conception.
R. Amen.(Hail Mary)


IV. Praised be the Eternal Father, who adorned the Virgin Mary with all the virtues at her birth.
R. Amen. (Hail Mary)

V. Praised be the Eternal Father, who gave the Virgin Mary Saint Joseph as companion and purest Husband.
R. Amen.(Hail Mary; Glory Be.)


VI. Praisedbe the Son of God, for choosing the Virgin Mary as his Mother.
R. Amen. (Our Father)


VII. Praisedbe the Son of God, who incarnated in the purest womb of the Virgin Mary and lived there for nine months.
R. Amen. (Hail Mary)


VIII. Praisedbe the Son of God, who was born of the Virgin Mary and provided her with milk so she could feed him.
R. Amen. (Hail Mary)


IX. Praisedbe the Son of God, who desired to be educated by the Virgin Mary during his infancy.
R. Amen. (Hail Mary)


X. Praised be the Son of God, who revealed to the Virgin Mary the mysteries of the redemption of the world.
R. Amen. (Hail Mary and Glory Be.)


XI. Praised be the Holy Spirit, who received the Virgin Mary as his Spouse.
R. Amen. (Our Father)

XII. Praised be the Holy Spirit, who revealed to the Virgin Mary before anyone else his name of Holy Spirit.
R. Amen. (Hail Mary)

XIII. Praised be the Holy Spirit, by his work the Virgin Mary was Virgin and Mother at the same time.
R. Amen. (Hail Mary)

XIV. Praised be the Holy Spirit, by his virtue the Virgin Mary was live Temple of the Holy Trinity.
R. Amen (Hail Mary)

XV. Praised be the Holy Spirit, by whom the Virgin Mary was extolled in Heaven above all creatures.
R. Amen (Hail Mary and Glory Be.)

For the exaltation of our holy Catholic Faith, eradication of the heresies, peace and oneness between the nations, and other needs of the Holy Church: Salve Regina.

Each time that we pray this Chaplet devotedly in front of the Image of the Mother of God of the Pious Schools (the image on top of the page), you will gain 12,900 days of Indulgence granted by his Sanctity our Holy Father Gregory XVI and other Excellencies Archbishops and Bishops of Spain and Italy; and every time a Hail Mary is prayed in front of this image, you gain 1,160 days.


In the Church, devout.
In Mass, attentive.
In Confession, contrite.
In Communion, burning.
In Prayer, fiery.
In solitude, contemplative.
In the home, continuing, collected, and never lazy.
In the table, abstinent.
In the bed, composed.
In her conversation, timid.
In her talk, considerate.
In her look, modest.
In her walk, grave and calm.
In the treatment of her body, penitent.
In between her friends, quiet.
In her works, the first.
With the sick, charitable.
With the old, obedient.
With her peers, humble.
With the minors, peaceful.
And finally, in everything edified and charitable.

Present in all places
Soul, you consider your God;
And attentive will try
To desire only what He desires,
Which is true loving.


Blessed be your purity,
May it be blessed forever,
For no less than God takes delight,
In such exalted beauty.
To you, heavenly Princess,
Holy Virgin Mary,
I offer on this day
My whole heart, life and soul.
Look upon me with compassion,
Do not leave me, my Mother.







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