-Little One




Compassion with the littlest ones:

For the Kingdom of Heaven the littlest ones are the biggest sinners; the bigger ones are the ones that have advanced the most in the Path to Development and in Virtue. I need you, Littlest Ones, VERY COMPASSIVE AND COMPREHENSIVE with those that are smaller than you.



All of you have mud in your wardrobe all, are going through a swamp, which is the world and there is no one who is more or less stained, but I tell you DON’T JUDGE AND YOU WILL NOT BE JUDGED!; judge your brothers and with the same rod that you use to measure them, you will be measured and judged. Do not be stubborn, children. No one should judge even his self.



Do what I order, get up and retake Your Path, if you stumble do not be a stumble for others. Prepare the path for the return of your littlest brothersand don’t fill it with more thorns. The Return is difficult because the wicked one makes everything possible in his hands so that souls do not return to their Loving Father; if you judge them harshly you will be working for the kingdom of Evil, not for My Holy Home.



It is Compassion, Tolerance, Love, someone who listens to them, and affection what they need to Return to Me, Give them that!, and with lots of patience. If it is about saving a sinner, do not spare efforts and think that there is no greater Gift for Heaven than the return of the Prodigal Son. Imagine the happiness you would feel if one of your sons was recovered after thinking him dead or lost forever. It is an ineffable (*) happinessand Those that tell us that They Love us, say so with acts; words are not sufficient, these have to go hand in hand with good actions. It is not sufficient to give the hungry a piece of dry bread, you have to stay close to them to feed them again (with physical bread and word bread and good behavior bread) when they feel hungry again.



In this dessert, Littlest Ones, you have in your saintly hands the Live Water and Pure Water which is Your Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of Lords, take him GENEROUSLY AND ABUNDANTLY to your littlest brothers, as if it was the last opportunity that you and the Littlest One have of Salvation.



In these Times, My Littlest Ones, which are My Times, souls can easily fall in a catastrophe, without warning, and the last opportunity to change course, of heart, of repentance comes with the last breath over the earth. You, My Littlest Ones, do not have bought time and know that your end comes in an unknown moment for each of you and for all.



Have your lamps ready with oil for when the darkness comes over the earth which will have a duration already announced by the prophets (I don’t hear the word but I know that they are 3 ½ years because I see a holy hand with three fingersraised). The darkness looms over your heads and you uselessly accumulate that which is not more than more fuel for the fire.



The Divine Word, My Littlest Ones, is the fuel that you need to light your lamps, oil them and don’t lose any more time accumulating, which is not of Heaven’s delight. Forget the material things and live frugally(**). Eat with frugality, dress simply and modestly and don’t start with excuses and exceptions, that the one who makes an exception in earth, thinking that he is different from the others, may not be able to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens: More is less, in Heaven. Travel lightly and share the excess with your brothers that lack the basic necessities.



Do you understand that I want LIVE GOSPELS over the earth and not empty words of acts and a very well pressed suit? Did my Son walk around like that? He is your Divine Master, Your King and Lord. Follow His Holy example and don’t follow each other, only My Beloved Son, Blessed Mary: They are your Saintly Examples.



I repeat to you: do not follow each other, but only My Son. Do not believe when you are told that it is impossible to be Live Gospels in these times, because I TELL YOU THAT IT IS. No time has been easy to take the Path of Goodness, all have been plagued by Evil, and nevertheless you don’t hear the Saints giving excuses that their time was very difficult; they requested Me and with happiness I opened Their Saintly Paths. Do the same. Do not conform to being what the world expects you to be because it is very little to be able to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens. More is less. He that is the most simple, more humble, he who is despised in the earth is the biggest in the Heavens, who fills himself with power and riches is a beggar at the gates of Heaven which he will not be able to enter. Do you understand, My Littlest Ones?



What else do you need to know to follow My Loving Son? Everything is in His Gospels, but you read between the lines looking for ways to keep your riches and even like that you enter the Heavens! Riches in earth are the enemy of the riches in the Kingdom of the Heavens: Remove everything that enslaves you because it is better to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens without a hand, than be completely burnt in the Gehenna(***) of hell. All those possessions that you cherish… Do you want to be loved as favorites?



Sell everything you have in excess and give the money to the poor.


Are you going to continue being mediocre accumulating wealth which is nothing more than fuel for the fire in earth and the eternal fire?

It is your free decision, Littlest Ones, I Love You Greatly and Wish that all and each one of my children come back, like the Prodigal Son, but I cannot oblige you, Littlest Ones. Peace is waiting for you, Happiness is waiting for you, the Glory, Littlest Ones, the Glory; do not conform with the bread crumbs that the evil one throws at you like the pigs, but be Children and receive the inheritance that I Have Lovingly and Generously Prepared For You.






- Mother


Today is the Candlemas Day. (I see our Holy Mother with a simple white candle between her Holy Hands.) My children go to the temple to Bless their children, like Saint Joseph and I did to the Divine Baby Jesus. It makes me happy when my childrenover the earth imitate my simple acts. They are my happiness between so much sorrow and abandonment of my sheep that do not understand that the wolf is ALWAYS near and stalking.


Tell them, My Littlest One, not to spare any efforts to return a sheep to its Mother’s Breast. One, My Littlest One, one single sheep is great joy and feast in the Heavens. Or perhaps, My Littlest Ones, you do not suffer if you cannot recuperate your son, even if you have five more in the family…? That sixth son is your pain, your enslavement of love for your children, don’t let it be that knife, that dagger in My Sacred Heart, which is of My Beloved Son Jesus Christ. Return to me one of My Sheep, to his mother happy for you and hurting for her lost sons. There is no more time, please, if you see only one that can return do not lose sight of it, accompany it if it be necessary all the Way until I, Your Small Mother, can cover and protect her between My Loving Arms. Do it, My Littlest Ones, that when one sheep is lost it is for all eternity.






My Daughter Write, the pleasure that Heaven has when one of My Sheep returns is immeasurable, and the pain eases a little when I am able to stretch it between my Loving Arms. I beg you: BRING MY SHEEP BACK TO ME, your payment will be great in the Kingdom of The Heavens… Set your sight in only one and follow it like in a dense forest until you reach her and bring her to My Loving Arms.



Bring My sheep one by one. Don’t try to bring them all, one by one… That way, Little sheep of my flock, one by one hearts Convert and Return to their Divine Shepherd, Their Lord, Their Friend; in the same way one by one my sheep return to their pen. Don’t you know that I leave all to go after one, like the little one who writes this, my loving sheep lost between the wolves! The efforts of Heaven did not cease until they brought her back to her Home and now you see the labor that she does and she was just a lost sheep! In that way save and rescue one, which could well be the one whose mission is missing now. You see, you think that you are rescuing the littlest that writes this for you and do not scorn my sheep because the more you scare them the deeper they hide in the forest. Thank you My Beloved.






Saint Michael?

(Saint Michael nods)


Tell them, My Littlest One, to those that Heaven has sent to help you that it is not an earthly guide that you are looking for nor advice, that when you needed it, it never came, that Heaven intervened, Our Sheep, but that what Heaven requires is the translation into other languages and diffusion. Do not argue, discuss or defend these Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity, only limit yourself to invite to fulfill their mission. Is it clear, Little One?


Yes, Saint Michael Archangel, Yes

Amen, My Little One

Amen and thank you for protecting me, Saint Michael



(*)Inefabble. (From Latin ineffabillis, indescriptible) 1. Adj. Cannot be explained with words.

(**) Frugally. (From Latin frugalitas, ātis) 1. Adj. Thrifty, eat and drink in moderation.

(***) Gehena. (From Biblical Latin gehenna, and Hebrew gēhinnōm, Valley of H., cursed because of pagan rites. (place of eternal punishment)


2013 Year of the Lord

Y María del Getsemaní






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