If you want to reach the Father by another way,


 which is not through His Beloved Son,  you won’t get there.







The Path to Sanctity is of loneliness, devotion, and withdrawal; to be for the world is to live for the world. The withdrawal and willingness towards God the Father is to LIVE for, from and towards God the Father.



Your desire of not being in the world is understandable; nothing remains in it that consoles you. It is an inexhaustible source of rejection and deception, so we know that for ours a moment comes when withdrawal is what is left, like it is for you.



You are already disillusioned; you no longer fall into the mirages and search the True Home. You only feel happy with the idea of getting and remaining there in the essence of Love, of Peace, of Truth, of the Supreme Good. You are My creatures that are in total seclusion. You are in the world to finish your mission, but it is very important that you do not take any kind of risks. Your soul has been whitened and the world is a muddy swamp; that is why we keep away these souls as they purify themselves. Do you understand?



-Yes, but it is a process that happens with a lot of sadness, this detachment, like a goodbye.



-Yes, because the soul has made so many illusions since young adulthood and even since being a small girl of what it would find in the world, that when it found it and defeats itself in front of the Truth, it suffers for everything it did not got to be.



That is where you are now at this moment of detachment and you still have loves and affections, but the soul knows that it must continue alone towards the Cross, and behind it The Holy Heaven. It is the True trip of the Soul, THE RETURN.



-In this stage I don’t feel Heaven so close, why?


Because there are steps that the soul must take in solitude, while, always being guarded by Heaven so it does not deviate and if it stumbles that the Angels pick it up immediately; the soul walks alone by faith. It is necessary to set it loose so she can walk, (like a small child walking his first steps and the father or mother is at his side with their arms open just in case he trips, but let him go so he will start walking). You see?


The father lets the creature alone to see how he behaves without him looking. It is like testing if he truly learned?


-The virtues?


The Virtues, that are tested repeatedly, if not, how are they going to be developed? How are muscles going to develop if they are not tested, if they are not exercised?


-I don’t socialize with any one. It was stretching too much to maintain but I spoke a little and my own sister doesn’t speak to me anymore.



You told her a resounding truth and she wants to believe, like many in the world, that in addition to live for the glories and applauses of the world, they also possess a great degree the God’s virtues, and it is not so. You told her little, you barely alerted her and it was sufficient for loving much more her ego than the sister who always guided her. She, in her own free, but deceived will, has decided not to trust in God and prescind from his Faithful Servants and You. She has decided to divorce from her church and submit to the world; she doesn’t keep up the moral restrictions she had; now she is full of herself and does not need you.



-It hurts me, I dream her, I miss her.


Pray for her so she will be saved, don’t stop praying. Does anyone in your family know about these Beautiful Didactic Dialogs?




They will be a great surprise and will re-evaluate all their life and opinions and direction around them.


-So be it. In the meantime, I pray and offer for them.


Write: Your father was allowed that his physical condition was representative of his true spiritual state. He was almost blind by that “unusual” infection, but it was so he would know that he no longer sees, that the intellectual eye does not SEE. His spirit is blind of the light of Truth because it is not enough to read the word “Humility” – the start of the Way to Truth- it is necessary to cry to God and- we have told you- to God the Father but in Jesus Christ’s name, who is the ONLY Way, Truth, and Life. If you want to reach the Father by another way, which is not through His Beloved Son, you won’t get there. The same is the principle of Humility and who does not follow it is not headed toward God.



Your earthly father wants, desires, to reach God, but obstinately and stubbornly refuses to go through Jesus Christ, in his arrogance he wants to open a new way, and there isn’t. While he does not accept that The Way is Beloved Jesus, he won’t get there.



For your constant intercessions for him, he will be saved and he will be at the place that Abba has foretold; but it will not be for his merit but for yours, and that is painful to the creature; much more for a father who should be the one to guide his son to the Way and not the reverse, but in the world things now happen in a strange way because everything has been touched by evil and infected, so if it has to be that the daughter guides him, it will be so.



Now, remember, to rescue as many souls as possible, and it is what you diligently do, and since it is Good for God, first the ones that you must love and be grateful who is the family where you grew up. Keep praying for them, don’t forget them in your prayers, and stay alert and don’t fall, remember that Heaven is a place for all, of all that you wish for. There is the embrace of the Father, the Love of Jesus, the Grandfather which is The Wisdom. Your True friends are there where they don’t change their feelings nor they abandon you.


-Angel, what about what I asked to …?


No, did not say the truth. Doesn’t know it.


-Amen and thank you for instructing me in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Amen.



November 11

2012 Year of the Lord


Y María del Getsemaní




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