These are difficult times, My very own Little One, you see how while you were Converting and heart was disengaging from the world and we turned it into a young girl’s heart again, the world traveled in the opposite direction: their hearts were hardening and without noticing it, ended up being a wall, a dumbbell with the world, limestone.



You crashed, you ran into them, your heart against their hardness. That happens with a clean and converted heart, it’s a child’s heart again, if not how would it be able to see God, which is to say, how would you be able to hear us or see the visions that heaven sends to you?



Some souls, like R… have preserved and recuperated by the suffering and the cross that they have to carry, and with it, and for it, and through it, they can love and understand those that are “different” from this world; the rest can’t do it yet, not yet, Little One.

Mix with them a little and moderately because they hurt you very easily. The simple words are rocks and stones and they will be now even more; that’s why you should not mix indiscriminately, but with caution, slowly.



Little One, it was natural that you felt that way, after three years you come to mix with the world, but never more to be part of the world, just to be in the world. You found your earthly family, after being with your heavenly family, and the reality of this family hit you. You don’t live anymore of mirages.



December 28 Holy Innocents Day

2012 Year of the Lord


Y María del Getsemaní





Our note: Holy Innocents Day should be extended to all the children that die within their mother’s wombs because of an abortion. How many Herod’s are there in the world that support and legalize abortion? It is calculated that Herod must have killed about 20 children. It would have been more than enough if it would have been only one to be equally guilty. And how many children are murdered today? Meditate and oppose the legalization of abortion in our countries. The aborted are also our Holy Innocents.





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