Listen, write, and learn: There are so many lessons of what you need to know and
understand and do to be saved, Little Ones; but in the bottom, don’t believe
that it is for scholars (Salvation) or for the wise, or for the ones who are
Perfect, as is Most Holy Mary.
I see, My Children, how far you feel of the virtuous perfection of Your Most
Holy Mother, but, My Little Ones, I ask you to take the small steps that are
possible for you take: Each one at his OWN pace and level which you have.
I have Mine that when they read the lives of My Saints get paralyzed thinking
how far they are from it, but, My Children, Don’t you think I understand how far
the world is, everything, from My Holy Precepts? How far all of you are from Me?
And seeing this, how Am I not going to GREATLY reward the effort that some do,
of My Creatures of the Last Times, to please Me? Don’t you think I see it? That
I don’t take it into consideration?
The normality of what you are and do is diabolical; that is your normalnow. You
have moved down the… (I see a sprinter in a race that has lowered the bar that
he has to jump to the lowest level, 10 to 20 centimeters from the ground, and I
understand that before the bar was a meter high, and that the athlete had to
train greatly to jump this obstacle.) In that way is that you have the idea of
Sanctity is, but if well IT IS NOT, neither do I demand you to give what you
can’t give Me now.
My Children, saying this, there is something I do not pardon and it is when you
act as if I, God, made a mistake. Yes, My Children, you have heard it very well:
When you act and say as if the creature had the reason above the very wisdom
which is Heaven. You say it in your daily language “God made a mistake with me”,
in that way with such looseness, with that unconsciousness, with that
ingratitude and then, you submit yourselves to extreme measures, on occasions,
to modify “my error”.
This is an evil that has no name. If I have made you dark-skinned o short or fat
or if I have not given you the things you dreamed of: you believe it is because
I am unjust or “I made a mistake”.You treat your God with the same human measure
of fallibility, instead of seeing that it is always you who fail in not
accepting the circumstances and conditions in which I, God Father Creator and My
Holy Redeemer Son, have placed.
You go to the extreme of saying that I have made a mistake in the gender I have
given you and you make aberrations because if I have created you masculine, you
want to behave and dress as feminine, and the inverse. Do you believe that in
something so delicate I wouldn’t put exactly what has to be? Each condition is
the most adequate for your sanctification, but you must start by accepting what
I have designated for each one of you.
I gave you your gender, your features, your family, your characteristics, your
social and family medium in which you had to develop and grow. I, God Father,
went choosing the virtues and graces that each would get and the defects that
you would have to bear, for your humility, without which there is no spiritual
way, but you, arrogant Children of Mine, you want to change what I have given
you and do to yourselves as if you were the artisans of the universe, the
creators of the creatures.
You submit yourselves to surgical operations to change in you what I have
established; and in doing that you are saying to me that “God made a mistake”.
Can you see it? And if you have a color of skin, you do whatever is necessary to
make it lighter, which is not what I gave you, because if I would have given it
to you since the beginning.
If you don’t accept yourself as you are you will hardly advance in humility,
which is the acceptance of who you are, and you will be fighting with yourself
and with Me. An opportunity for the Evil One to enter your lives and reign,
because that is how he acts: modifying and altering and adulterating My Work,
that is what he pretends, and you allow it, even with your own features.
My Children, you have taken to manipulate the genetics which is the very
laboratory of My Creation and you are creating monsters without souls, because
it (the soul) I, God Father, breathe it in at the sacred moment of conception,
and you are not only procreating outside of My institution of marriage, but
playing with your children in the laboratories. Don’t you see how delicate is My
equilibrium of what is created, that only I can measure it and carry it out? If
you do these experiments, I am telling you, you are creating monsters, beings
without souls; and in yourselves you are turning into a monstrous appearance.
The aberrations of the colors with which you mark your skin (tattoos) are an
affront to My Eyes and those filthy perforations.
What have you done with your bodies, which I have created as temples of the Holy
Spirit? O! you are enslaved to them or you insult them in aberrant ways! Now
it’s not only the insult of the immodesty when dressing, or that men dress as
women and women as men; now you confront Me constantly with the aberrations that
you make with your bodies, when the beautiful is the clean, the neat, the simple
and the modest; you don’t need anything else in your dress to comply with these
characteristics which I numbered; but you don’t longer have any respect for
anything. DON’T walk uncovered with immodesty, My Son has told you, and, above
all things; cover yourselves with adoration and reverence when you enter My
Houses, don’t enter them with immodesty.
Year of the Lord 2013
Y María del Getsemaní
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